Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is the 2.25% Fed Rate helping the Mortgage Market?

Today I ordered wholesale rate sheets from couple lenders and turns out that the rates vary a lot between lenders and states. In state of CA you'll have same 30 year fixed rate range from 5.875% - 6.5%. State of FL had 30 year fixed rate range from 5.625% - 6.375% and northeast states 30 year fixed rate ranged from 5.50% - 6.75%. Turns out that lenders who use their own money offer better rates and terms. I've found some offering as low as 5.25% 30 year fixed no points. All loans were based on $200,000 loan amount. No point loans.
I suggest all borrowers shopping around before locking into anything. The chances are there are better rates out there than the one you've been offered right now.